Wednesday, January 2, 2013

So it's 2013 and we're still Alive Now What?

All I have to say about the alive part is, "No Man Knows." Moving on, do you make resolutions? I know I don't . My reasoning behind this is that I hate to disappoint my self, let along anyone else. I find it funny seeing all those people who sign up for gym memberships and go for a month. I think the key to changing anything in ones life is to do one step at a time. Realistic goals that are plausible. If I say okay I'm going on a diet, working out every day, organizing my closet, redecorating my bedroom, better time management, and being a better mom and wife, oh yeah and no more eating out. Really? I mean really? I mean step back and take one step at a time, because we as women, just put to much on ourselves and then beat ourselves up for it. I was finding myself doing this on Christmas, which totally takes away from the spirit of the season. Rediculous. Why oh why do we do this?

So I propose something. Stop, think, breathe, do. That is exactly what I had to do when I thought of starting this blog, because I'm a busy woman. I work full time, vlog, blog, film, edit, be a mom. So this is what I did. Stop: Before I went thru with it before just going out with guns blazing. Think: What was I trying to achieve? Was I going to be able to handle it? Would anybody read or follow? I have a small audience right now is it worth it? Am I willing to put my whole family out there? Breathe: Just take in everything, but not go crazy about it, don't loose sleep over it. Just breathe. Do: I decided and felt with my whole being that I really wanted to take this leap. Now that's what I'm talking about nice, gentle and smooth.

So I ask you again are you making any Resolutions for 2013? If so, stop, think, breathe, do!

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. - Helen Keller