Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Work and Home, the Biggest Balancing Act

Balancing work, family and home is difficult, but most of us have to do it. I wanted to talk about this subject today because I heard some comments from other working moms that I could totally identify with. I fortunately have been able to be a mom both ways. Stay at home and working. My goal is to come back home, but until then it's time to deal. Do you hear things from your kids like?: You never spend time with me! Your always tired! You're always at work! Now those comments can just make you cry! So I try different things and they're not always successful. But I thought I'd shoot some ideas out there to my fellow going crazy moms.

Before I get into more practical tips I use my vacation and sick time wisely. My family can't really afford big or long vacations. So I use days at a time, instead of weeks. If its someone's birthday I'll take it off or a Monday or Friday to celebrate. I also do this for school breaks. That little bit of extra weekend time is worth it to you and your family.

When I'm totally exhausted, which is a lot! I come home and relax for hopefully up to a half an hour. This is when I respond to comments on my channel, twitter, ect. Which is still in essence "work" for me because, believe it or not YouTube is a labour of love. If I'm still tired tv/movie time may be a bit limited in talking but it still is time being spent. In a family are you really just sitting there not talking or moving? Another lazy way is snuggling. We snuggle right before we go to bed which is just laying there, came get more simpler than that right?

Now is homework time. Which is struggle time for my son! During this time I play catch up on all I missed. I try to bring my daughter to the table to do her "homework" to do the same. When I do cook dinner cause I'm not gonna lie to you, these days I'm cooking way less because of my issues. Bad I know. The kids like to help. So whatever I cook I try and let them do something. I remember always sitting on the counter cooking with my mom. Other chores I try to include the kids cause I just need their help. Now every night isn't perfect by any means. But theses are just little things. These little things do make up the family life.

The weekends are for sleeping in and enjoying. That's why we have Disney passes! Lol

Above all, remember no matter what, no one or family is perfect. Your kids love you unconditionally even if they tell you they hate you. Oh and the dishes will be there tomorrow!

What are some things you have tried! Did they work?

"The family — that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape, nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to." ~Dodie Smith

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